Shielding the helpless!

At the scene.

A few teachers went around "catching" those involved, while Professor Yan questioned them.

Having let the baseball-capped student escape, Bai Yi couldn't just let the issue slide like this. Because a big incident like this had happened, he had to find a few of those who were accountable to set an example to the others. He scanned the crowd looking for people while the Peking University students all sought to hide themselves from him, some of them feeling guilty. Bai Yi looked hard for a while and found one as he pointed at a male student in the crowd not far away from him. "You, you scolded and insulted the most fiercely just now, spouting curse words and all! That is unacceptable!"

The student looked down on the ground.

"What's your name!? Which faculty are you from?" Bai Yi interrogated coldly.