Let me bear the burden of these criticisms!

On the same day.

The news was already reporting on this matter.

"Zhang Ye's new documentary has been banned!"

"Nothing to follow up with after A Bite of China!"

"A documentary on air pollution? Barred before broadcast!"

"The decline of Zhang Ye?"

"Central TV Documentary Channel no longer able to replicate the miracle of A Bite of China!"

"Why did a public service documentary get barred from broadcast?"

On Weibo, many netizens were not having any of it!

"What is this?"

"Barred from broadcast? Fuck! I didn't even get to watch it!"

"What is this about it getting barred before its broadcast?"

"I've been looking forward to Zhang Ye's new documentary all this while. Although this documentary was not directed by Teacher Zhang, it was still made by him. Why is it gone?"

"Give me back my documentary!"

"Central TV is so awful!"

"I think there's some news that you guys might be still be unaware of?"