The advertisements will roll out soon!

In the car.

The Heavenly Queen's agent called to that Heavenly Queen.

She said: "We didn't get it."

A very nice-sounding female voice at the other end of the line said: "Who got it then?"

She sighed and said: "Zhang Ye."

The voice on the other end said: "How did we lose it?"

She said: "It was my fault."

After giving a simple explanation of the entire story.

The other end of the line: "OK, I understand. Forget it then."

Yes, they could only forget it. If not, what else could they do?

They'd already gone as far as praising the toilet as a hero and a friend!

But what about them? Surely they couldn't hug the toilet and shout, "You're so awesome, my dearest brother," could they? They could only swallow this and find a chance to regain what they'd lost another time!

The next day.