The Spring Festival Gala is coming!

It was the eve of the Chinese New Year.

Every household in the country had already put up their festive decorations.

There were couplets.


Red lanterns.

This is how Chinese New Year is celebrated. It's one the most boisterous and festive days of the year. Children who work away from home return, and family reunions occur amid the crackling of firecrackers as everyone celebrated this joyous day.

At Zhang Ye's parents' house.

His mother was full of smiles as she put up the "Good Fortune" characters at the door.

Several neighbors passed by.

"Yo, how beautiful those words are."

"Of course, my son wrote them in advance."

"Little Ye's writing is so good."

"Haha, I guess it's not too bad."

"Where's your son and daughter-in-law?"