Selling like hotcakes all over the world!

Somewhere else.

In Russia.

The Russian edition officially went on sale.

At a bookstore, the line inside was growing longer and longer.

"I want a copy of Gone with the Wind."

"Give me five copies."

"Everyone's here to buy this book?"

"Yeah, I heard it sold really well abroad. It's the best-selling book in recent years."

"I heard about that too. The book is very sought after in America, Canada, and Britain. That is why I also came to buy one to read it. There should be a reason why it's so popular."

"I was recommended to read it by other people too."

"How's the Russian translation?"

"I don't know. I heard that it was written by a Chinese person and the translations were even done by the author himself without the help of a translator, although that sounds doubtful."


"What is it?"

"This person's command of the Russian language is really good!"

"Are you serious?"