The Tension at the Dining Table

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by Aelryinth

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Kay Beny. I've been to China on academic trips, but I don't remember seeing such a young lecturer there." First Prince Beny had come over without them realizing it. He had a doubtful grin on his face. 

The lecturers who were invited to the Aorus Sacred Institute had to have a certain reputation at the international level. Most lecturers who had come today already knew one another. Even if they were not familiar with a person, they would know who the person was just by hearing their names.

First Prince Beny did not put too much attention on the lecturers from China. It was normal to see new faces at a gathering, but he did not feel comfortable when he saw the student union's president Sharjah standing behind them like a little girl.