The Guardian Ring

Ye Chong’s mind was racing, recalling every single moment of that incident.

It had all happened after he infiltrated the enemy’s warship. In those moments, what could have happened that led the MPA to want him so badly? In the warship … Ye Chong abruptly recalled the person on the bridge, Gu Shaoze! That’s right! It must be him! He had given him a ring before he died, and there was a password for it. If not for the protection afforded by the ring, he would have died. Why would the MPA want to capture him? Could it be …

Ye Chong quickly went through his bag. He exhaled in relief, finding the ring. He carefully took out the ring given to him by Gu Shaoze and examined it closely. Whether by its design or material, the ring was unremarkable. However, he remembered how Gu Shaoze had hidden the ring on him to protect it, and Ye Chong felt that there must be more to the ring than he thought.