A Mech’s Style

"Fifteenth from the left in the thirteenth row, that’s the mech’s main body; seventh from the left on the fifth row, eighth from the left on the twenty second row … These are for the first combination." Mu’s voice was steady and resolute.

Hei Zi stared stupidly at Ye Chong with bulging eyes. A moment earlier, Ye Chong began to pick his way through the parts like a butterfly flitting from flower to flower. The huge mech parts weighed like nothing in Ye Chong’s hands. "This … This is ridiculous!" Hei Zi massaged his temples in disbelief. While these were relatively lightweight skeleton parts, they were still parts for a mech; to lift them so effortlessly - was he human?

Ye Chong seemed to move with purpose. Hei Zi was confused - wasn’t he listening to him all the while earlier? He was not eyeing those mech parts back then!

"What a strange guy!" Hei Zi muttered to himself!