The Smoke Branch

"Hey, big guy. Hold your melodrama. Let's talk, don't act like a lassie," reminded Ye Luo kindly since Ye Chong did not seem to buy Guang Wei's tears.

Ye Chong followed the stares of Guang Wei and realized that he had been eyeing the pendant round his neck. His fingers stroke the chain calmly, "Black Smoke Ring! Was that the Black Smoke Ring?" And Guang Wei went into another screaming session upon seeing the black jade ring on Ye Chong's hand.

At that point Guang Wei was fairly convinced that this man would be the descendant of the long-lost smoke branch, the senior that he thought he would never meet for the rest of his life, since the Silver Strand Pendant would represent the connection to the branch, while Black Smoke Ring would highlight the superiority in the branch.

He must be the leader of the smoke branch!