Ban Meng

"Huh, that's not right, maybe this person saved me?" Ban Meng realized then that he did not know how he came to stop falling. He looked behind him and was shocked by what he found.

A huge, black colored nail or something had pinned him onto a tree through his clothing.

Ban Meng swallowed with difficulty. He felt a chill running down his neck. If the black object had been off course by an inch, his head would have been gone.

Perhaps this person had really saved him. Ban Meng considered it for a moment. He may look like a brute, but he was capable of being reflective.

Ye Chong studied the broken wooden parts of the wooden bird thing. He was surprised, having never seen any aircraft like this one. The gray colored wood felt light in his hand, but they were tough material. He knew this from their pieces on the ground. The parts may all be disassembled, but each wooden part was still undamaged.