Chapter 66

In the thick woods, disorderly sounds could be constantly heard.

One moment it was the sound of trees being broken, and the next, it was the the collision of gold and iron. Then it was a fierce crash, followed by the sound of flowing water.

In the dim light, there were three figures, one big and two small, busy fighting. The big one was naturally the horrible serpent, while the small ones were Ray and Steele.

Ray was in charge of the fight, while Steele only assisted him.

Steele hurried back immediately after sensing there was a fight beneath her, but she struggled to help. She soon found out that with her lack of fighting skills, not only was she unable to offer help in the battle between Ray and the huge serpent, but she also was only getting in the way.

So she stepped aside and kept a relatively safe distance, using her heaven-sent skill of casting spells to assist Ray.