Chapter 115

"Ha!" Ray shouted and brandished his long sword, managing to cut three to four mermen, as well as their weapons, into two halves. Then he quickly broke into another crowd of mermen and brandished his sword. Instantly, the ground was covered with the light blue blood of the merman, and the merman that were shouting and yelling were all dead.

In fact, there were some soldiers that had been trapped by the merman and were at the brink of being killed by them, but thanks to Ray's help, they managed to survive. When they wanted to thank Ray, they found that Ray had already left.

Ray's armour had turned blue due the blood of the merman, and behind him, a huge number of dead mermen were lying on the ground. Looking from the sky, one could have spotted a blood line among the merman army which divided the upcoming mermen and the mermen that were having fight with the sea defense army.