Chapter 129

The God of Justice, Joel Cartman, had speculated Sui's response, but he never imagined that this mighty jellyfish God with imposing power would actually feel so moved. Sui even worshipped him, and directly recognized himself as the senior.

This gave him quite a sense of absurdity; I hadn't even tried to force you before you fell down, he thought. He got no chance to use the several sets of preparatory statements, so he felt a bit frustrated. The saddest thing was that he was obviously frustrated, but he had no chance to show his anger. When he started to speak, Sui worshipped him. In this case, could he still yell and say, Hey! How can you be so completely paranoid?

At this moment, Ray woke up. Sui Xiong immediately left for Ray's side, and started to talk to him.

"I'm okay, really!" he repeatedly emphasized. "You see, I'm so strong now. Even if there's a fight with the maritime race again, there's no problem!"