Chapter 20

In the dark depths, a giant jellyfish was waving his tentacles, trying to dig a maze.

The flexible tentacles combined the powers of multiple tools, so nothing was difficult for it. Around it, a maze was being gradually formed.

Looking from a distance, if you had acute eyes that could see through the darkness, you would see a huge maze, which was just like the ruins of an ancient time. It was buried deep, far away from the ground's surface. There was only a bit of light somewhere to prove that it was still connected to the ground.

Sui Xiong was digging hard, while singing a song.

"There is a monster, there are two monsters. The monster's friend is the third monster. The monster's brother is the fourth monster..."

To be honest, the rhythm of the song was fine, but the lyrics were strange. Fortunately, he sang it in Chinese. No one in the world could understand what he was singing. Even if someone heard it, the feeling was nothing more than...