Chapter 26

What was the happiest thing in the world?

Of course, it was to bully your enemy!

Sui Xiong did not have many enemies because he pursued the principle of 'don't let your hatred remain overnight;' all his contradictions were resolved at that time. Of his enemies, only the Shadow Devil was still alive, who suffered from his 'Buddha's palm,' and was slowly recovering in the ruins of his own palace.

He had now recovered some strength, and it was not impossible to run and completely kill this half-necromancer, but he had already decided to let this guy be killed by Satan, so he would tolerate him living for now.

It was just... although he didn't kill him, he could cause him trouble.

With Gratt's company, the life of the Shadow Devil would surely be fulfilling, and perhaps it would be enriched enough to make it even forget to recover its injuries.

Ah, that kind of life suited it!