Chapter 63

The Master of Mystery brought along two God followers.

Before He left He let out a long, heavy sigh. This breath contained a world full of complicated emotions, including pity, regret, and the intent to kill.

"What is this dude trying to do?!" Sui Xiong asked, upset. "He came out of nowhere to pull the rug out from someone's feet! When He failed to do so, He put on a face, as though he had suffered bitterly. Clearly he harbors deep hatred. Who is He trying to scare?!"

He looked in the direction the Master of Mystery had walked away in disdain. He was puffing out air from his nose, clearly frustrated with the situation. But he was mostly a little nervous.

The Master of Mystery, also known as the God of Wisdom and Magic, was generally acknowledged as being the expert among all Gods. His capability even compared with that of the God of Justice!