Chapter 91

The giant dragon warship looked like the signature of the Viking pirates on earth. It had a raised bow and a fierce black dragon carved on it. The hull was not very stylish, but its length was shocking. It was like a huge poisonous snake with its head raised, poised in a threatening and offensive position.

There were no sails on the ship, but numerous long oars protruded from beneath the sides of the ship, moving swiftly as though they were centipede feet. Nobody knew if it was this rowing power that allowed them to fly through the magical turbulence present in the void.

This was the God of Battle's proudest artifact. It was both a huge fortress as well as a peerless weapon. In the years that passed, it had ferried the God of battle to war countless times, killing countless enemies, clinching many achievements in battles for the war Gods, and winning prestige for them!

Today, its dragon head was pointed towards the Gods of desolation.