Chapter 120

There was no kind-hearted God willing to see a God of Knights suffer, including Sui Xiong. Even the Orc Gods who were His enemy felt the same.

No, the Gods of Orcs did not wish to see Him weakened, demoted, or even fallen.

After all… as an enemy, the God of Knights had integrity, followed the rules, had moral values and was very tolerant. In contrast, the God of Light was fierce and cold. He did things unscrupulously and had no limit to how low He could stoop. Being an enemy of His was way more dangerous and way more difficult than being an enemy of the God of Knights.

And yet, what was ideal and what was reality were always two different things.

Leon hid deep sighs in his heart after he received the news from Sui Xiong. He pretended to be a young thief who ventured out for adventure and came to the big camp in the north of Eagle Wing City.