Chapter 126

After "Captain Rien" shot the opponent by tossing his dagger, he seemed to be out of energy too. He sat back onto the ground and breathed heavily.

Meanwhile, all the scouts quickly and crazily hit the mysterious assassin with all types of weapons in their hands. In the blink of an eye, that guy was shot until he looked like a hedgehog. He was not moving at all, so he must have been dead.

"Who exactly is this?" A curious scout walked towards him and checked his dead body, and found that he was a leopard from the Orcs.

"Leopard assassin. He is good…" an older, more experienced scout frowned as he mumbled. Then he could not help but open his eyes wide.

"Quickly, look at his sword! There should be a line of Orc text on his sword!" he shouted.

The scout who was examining the dead body picked up the scimitar that fell onto the ground. He found that it was shockingly heavy. He could not help but grunt, "How can this be so heavy!"