Chapter 141

The Sun Throne was the hub of the whole god's kingdom in the Sun God System. From the outside, it shined like a red sun in the center of the whole god's kingdom. However, it was actually dark inside, not pitch black, but with nothing related to "glory."

"When I was quarreling with my junior brother, he said that behind the glory must be deep darkness. At that time, I said that he was ignorant. The real heroes would put glory and darkness directly in places where people could see them. They would clearly show others their standpoints, principles, and styles of doing things," the God of Light said with a smile, wielding his warhammer. "Now it seems that the ignorant one is me!"

It was strange to say that he was hitting nothing while clearly swinging the warhammer like wind was blowing. To put it frankly, in the darkness, he was the only one who was talking while wielding the warhammer for no reason, like he was performing a one-man show.