Chapter 147

What was an unexpected gain? This was!

Sui Xiong followed the gods of mankind to attack the Cloud City just to help Wall vent his anger and rid his heart of resentment. Besides, he had never thought that he would gain anything. From the bottom of his heart, he had always been an honest and generous man, not a philistine and greedy guy.

However, when he found that the God of Sun had used special means to turn all the angels under his command into dull, puppet-like images, he was suddenly inspired. He rushed subconsciously to the love angel's side and sealed her up before the God of Sun began to swallow and absorb her.

He didn't even have time to think about why he would do that, because it was subconscious. It wasn't until he was beaten by the God of Sun that he came to realize why he would do it.

This was a living Department of Therapy! An excellent nurse!