Chapter 150

"The strong win, the weak lose; the strong live, the weak die. This is a natural thing," the God of Light said calmly. "I am stronger than you, so you must lose. You must die. What is wrong with that?"

He said it as if they were two friends who met up with each other to chat about the weather. But such a calm tone intrigued the Sun God even more. It actually made Him more violent.

"No! No! No!" the flames on His body burned more and more violently, but also more messily. "I am the strongest! I have compiled all of the clergies, and mastered all of the powers! It is impossible for someone to be stronger than I am!"

The God of Light shook His head gently. He seemed to regret that this piece of iron could not become steel. He sighed.

He was too lazy to say any more. He just kept waving His warhammer, hitting the Sun God's body with one blow after the other.