Chapter 18

Inside the black forest, there came another earth-shaking noise. Flames along with countless rubble and iron slags were splashing everywhere.

Sui Xiong jumped into the river nearby and sighed as he heard the sizzling of the hot rubble and iron slags coming into contact with the cold water.

"So many times I've failed!"

He looked at the explosion site. The ground was in complete chaos. The scattered stone mud mixed with iron peat and iron slags was the result of his "iron-making blast furnace."

"What on earth is wrong with it?"

After so many failures, even an art student could sense that something was wrong. Sui Xiong dared to bet on his morality that his iron-making blast furnace technology must have some fatal defects or maybe there were some mistakes in the key link. But he thought it over and over again and still didn't know where the mistakes were.