Chapter 28

The next day, when the sky was slightly brighter, the travelers woke up early, cooked some simple food, and washed themselves a little. After eating and drinking, they continued on their journey.

The situation that day was no different from the previous ones. They walked very smoothly along the way. In addition to gaining some common knowledge, Reif and the rest also learned some words.

It was the same on the third day, the fourth day, and the fifth day.

On the fifth night, they arrived in the Gold-panning Town.

There was a gold vein near the town, hence the name Gold-panning Town. Many pioneers had come from afar and wanted to find gold there to get rich overnight. However, in fact, the texture of the gold vein was very poor, so there wasn't much gold produced at all—it was said that the reason was erosion from the negative energy. The three gemstone veins near the Pyroxene Town had also become poor in texture for the same reason.