Chapter 67

Sui Xiong successfully got his revenge and had a brilliant victory by beating the King of Death in Blood Bath away. He even broke the weapon that had made the King of Death in Blood Bath famous.

What was more, after this battle, Sui Xiong had learned something about a new field of ability—Death Soul.

In this world, the King of Death in Blood Bath was the one who had the deepest understanding and the most comprehensive grasp of the field of Dead Soul, which had been publicly acknowledged by the Grim Reaper. The Grim Reaper had also persuaded the King of Death in Blood Bath to turn over a new leaf and not disturb the natural laws of life and death. He had promised that as long as the King of Death in Blood Bath gave up his previous immoral practices and returned to the right path, the Grim Reaper was willing to let him be the secondary Master God of the Death God system.