Chapter 82

If he wanted to use the soul fragments to create a new soul, Yan Xun needed to identify a soul core first.

Like living beings, a soul must have a core. The more powerful the creatures were, the more significant roles the soul cores played. A soul core was related to various abilities of a creature, as well as to the innate attributes.

The first thought of Yan Xun was to create a brave and fearless soul.

He was self-confident that he was good at fighting. However, if he was alone in a war of gods like the one he had witnessed before, he would hardly be able to fight against so many enemies. Even if he had helpers, so would his enemies. What's more, in a war of gods, it had to be the kings versus kings and the soldiers versus the soldiers. Once he and his helpers were blocked by the gods of the opposite side, the battle at the level of Oracles and believers would become a one-sided slaughter.