Chapter 91

At that time, the Keane City was a mess indeed.

Plenty of aggressive guys had flushed into the city. They were like a group of sharks attracted by the smell of fish or a horde of flies chasing after decayed corpses, making others feel disgusted.

Most of these guys had bad personalities, and some of them were even the trash of society. As for those with good personalities, how many of them could do things as disgusting as stealing from a little girl while her brother was dying?

Sui Xiong scanned the whole city carefully and found an old acquaintance among them.

It was a middle-aged man with half of his hair turned gray. He was calm and peaceful, and his words and deeds were full of confidence and charm. He, both a bard and a thief, wasn't weak at all. His overall strength had reached the advanced level, which made him a real master.