Chapter 96

A few days later, a rumor was spread throughout Keane Hill.

It was said that Crick Keane had contacted some suitors and prepared to hold a party to let them meet Miss Anna Keane. These suitors were relatively weak in power so that they would not be a threat to Keane Hill in the future. During the party, Miss Anna would communicate with them and make her final choice of a fiancé.

That was just a rumor, but many people believed it was true since it had been presented vividly. Thus, many suitors sent their subordinates to investigate the whole thing in a hurry, and then many traces were found.

Certainly, these subordinates reported what they had found in a hurry. After getting the information from their subordinates, these suitors exchanged it with each other and further confirmed that it was not a rumor but truth.

Come of the suitors couldn't wait to discuss what they should do next.