Chapter 104

When Sui Xiong was laughing proudly, Felix was laughing, too.

However, she was more reserved than the big jellyfish. Her smile was very gentle and elegant, full of the elegance that a lady would have.

The premise was to ignore the giant demon ape which was lying on the ground. She was stepping on its back. Its body was still smoky, and no one knew how badly it was burned.

Not too far away, several big men from Rye Town and Gold-panning Town were looking at that scene, totally stunned. They couldn't believe their eyes.

"How… how could that happen?!" This was said by the people who were unwilling to face reality.

"That is a water monkey! A legendary monster! It defeated nearly 100 invincible strongmen continuously in the arena! How could it be defeated so easily!" This was said by the people who had been confident.

"Stand up! Smart Monkey! Don't you claim to be undefeated?" This was said by the people who knew the strength of that demon beast.