Chapter 120

Finally Sui Xiong succeeded in escaping from the weird chaos and couldn't help but feel a little proud of himself while he relaxed.

He dared to say that the chaos must have been one of the most powerful entities in the world and most likely, one of the Top Divine Powers that surpassed the Great Divine Powers.

He shouldn't have been able to escape successfully from such a powerful guy, which he couldn't help but admire his own ability for.

But before he could laugh loudly, he saw Yorgaardman in a great rage.

Yorgaardman was running around him in a hurry, just like an ant being chased.

"What are you doing, my brother?" Sui Xiong asked.

Yorgaardman was shocked and turned his head suddenly. He was surprised to see that Sui Xiong's eyes were clear again.

"Your soul... has come back?"

"Yes." Sui Xiong nodded. "Although I met some trouble… Well, actually, I met with big trouble… But I managed to come back."