Chapter 132

After he heard the news, Sui Xiong went to meet Arcaian at once. This new Legendary Master hadn't left his underground research room. Instead of sitting on the ground and meditating, Arcaian was busy now.

"How time flies!" After greeting him, he said with strong emotion to Sui Xiong, "Nine years have passed during my meditation! Look! Your Majesty! Before I started meditating, I had sealed these research samples with magic. Now the seal is still here, but it's covered in a thin layer of dust. Thankfully, the research room is underground, and there is less air circulation, or I'm afraid my notebook would have been buried in dust."

"Yes, how time flies!" Sui Xiong was touched by his emotion and couldn't help sighing. "I still remember when I first landed on the ground, and now several decades have passed…"

After a short while, they went back to their business.