Chapter 135

Morani and Ink had wine. The wine wasn't old enough, but at least it was strong enough.

Orcs liked strong wine, so they still liked it after they became gods. However, for the gods, mortal strong wine wasn't much, so it was difficult to find strong wine that could satisfy them.

Silent Knight Ink had such wine. He had paid a great price for it, buying it from a mysterious astral merchant.

Gods weren't really omnipotent. Sometimes, some demigods were really capable. They even could do something that gods couldn't do.

The God of Light was the master god of a big god system, and he had a lot of followers. Certainly, if a god who was powerful like the God of Light couldn't do something, then probably no demigods in the world couldn't do that, either.

Ink cherished the wine he bought very much, so he only drank homemade wine usually. He only took out those good wines when he met the things that were worth celebrating.

Of course, that was not today.