Chapter 152

Watching the Oracle troops who played as vanguards getting closer and closer to the shelter of the God's Kingdom, Yorgaardman, with a cold flash in his eyes, suggested, "Why don't we go out to kill them and make them cow into submission?"

He was a typical militant who advocated attack as the best defense, but he had not established his kingdom and church yet. He only wanted to be free to venture the world with his sword. At this moment, facing the countless enemies attacking together, he was unwilling to defend passively. In his view, defense was like being beaten up, and it was better for him to rush out and kill those enemies.

After listening to Yorgaardman's words, Sui Xiong's mind flashed and came up with an idea.

It was just... this idea was a bit risky. Even if he was very audacious, he could not help but think carefully. After thinking it over, he was still not sure and so told his plan to Yorgaardman secretly.