Chapter 165

The God of Fear was a very shrewd fellow. Although sometimes his tricks brought him nothing than trouble, at least at the moment of life and death, his tricks were quite reliable.

As he had said, good and evil were inherent in the world, and the balance between them was the basic law of the world. Judging evil with good was to deny the balance between them, and that didn't make any sense.

What he had said was quite remarkable. Not to mention ordinary people, even the gods nodded their heads in secret.

Most of the gods in the world belonged to the Neutral Camp. For them, the general good or evil did not matter. Instead, they cared more about their own camp and rules, and that was all.

If the balance between good and evil was broken, there surely would be a winner between these two, and that would have a huge impact on the world. Whether it was good or bad, currently, no one wanted to see it happen—no one knew what it would lead the world to.