Chapter 23

Looking at the girls who were playing around in the warm sea waters, Mage Damwade swallowed his spit nervously.

These girls were indeed young and beautiful, but the way they were playing was too hot!

Generally speaking, children could play with water on the beach. For example, they could splash water on each other. There was a man-made beach in the Void Mask Land. Every day, a War of Water Splashing was held there. Children with excellent grades could get special prizes.

However, in the God's Kingdom of the Void Mask, why did the girls play with water in this way? They stepped on the water, skiing at high speed while bombarding each other. They also threw fireballs and released light beams. The one who was wearing black clothes, why did she rush up, hug the others and explode with a boom? What kind of entertainment was this?