Chapter 29

Looking for water element hearts in the Water Element Plane, one could probably find one hundred.

If the task was to find about one hundred water element hearts in the Water Element Plane, even Sui Xiong, who had a good relationship with Ariel, could only use the classic line in the Legend of Zhen Huan to reply, "I really can't do this!" 

Fortunately, this number was not fixed. If they could find a more advanced water element heart, then the advanced one could be equivalent to several ordinary ones.

In fact, they only needed to find about forty or fifty water element hearts.

The Goddess of Wealth had some water element hearts in her kingdom. Javier also went out to communicate with other gods and some other countries, and he bought some back from them. Now they only needed to find less than twenty-five water element hearts.

Such a number was what they could try to find.