Chapter 34

The Queen of Water Element had said so many things. First, she introduced her own origins, and then she told Sui Xiong the secrets of the Rulers of Four Elements and the four greater Divine Powers. She did all those things for her final question.

You clearly come from the ocean, and you're obviously a jellyfish. However, how can you get rid of your own nature, and why are you not affected by your own attributes?

This question was really difficult for Sui Xiong to answer.

Normally, the power of any creature in the water would inevitably be affected by the attribute of water. There were two most typical examples—the Goddess of Ocean and the Queen of Water Elements. These two were believed to be the most powerful gods of the aquatic kind in this world. Of course, they could exert the power of other attributes, but they could never use them as naturally as they used water, nor as strongly.