Chapter 40

For a long time, Javier had planned to separate the priesthood of Celebration from him and fight for the priesthood of Pleasure again.

He had even made done than one rehearsal. He had practiced what he should do at the scheduled time, and how to deal with all kinds of emergencies to ensure that there would be no risks at all.

However, even if he had done many rehearsals, the rehearsals couldn't replace practice.

For example, he hadn't known that it would be very painful when the real priesthood separation happened.

In fact, he had already rehearsed it before. He had also borrowed a few cruel butchers from Morani and had asked them to stab him. At that time, he had hurt so much. Thus, he had believed that he was fully trained even to the point of self-abuse.

Now he understood that his previous rehearsals were not enough at all!

The pain of the priesthood separation was far beyond his expectation, even beyond his imagination.