Chapter 50

The hug by her brother surprised Tessa. Then her face turned red. For a half-dead person, this feeling was rare.

She wanted to hide her feelings but hesitated. She was reluctant to give up this rare feeling of family union. Suddenly, Tu Ya'an said he wanted to open a store.

"Ah?" At this moment, she didn't know what she should say next. "Why did you suddenly mention this?"

Tu Ya'an did not understand the true meaning of her sister's words at all. He laughed and said, "I just got some inspiration. What do you think the Dead Soul Spell can do? The most common thing is to summon or create Dead Souls! Ghosts without entities can't do anything, but skeletons, zombies, and living corpses are all honest and obedient. Although they are mentally slow, they won't disobey their master's orders. No matter what kind of order the master gives, there is no hesitation or delay. Isn't such a skeleton the best kind of worker?"