Chapter 76

Seeing that the Robe of Law was in front of him, Wood knew that his risky return became a failure.

But he didn't want to give up.

As an ace spy, he had encountered countless dangers throughout his life. The current situation was far from "desperation."

As expected, it didn't take long before the opportunity came.

No one knew what the director was thinking, but he actually came here, too. Moreover, this guy actually went directly to Wood. The distance between them was shorter than 20 steps.

This distance was easily within Wood's reach!

As a high-level paladin, he was best at mid-range attacks. At such a distance, he could use two steps at most to rush to the director's face. According to the speed of his attack, two steps were equal to the time it took to blink once.

How long did it take to blink? Few people calculated it because it was too short.

Wood used to think so, but this time, he felt that a blink was still too long.