Chapter 89

Sui Xiong valued friendship very much. Since he had decided to be friends with the dwarfs, he would no longer treat them as business partners.

So he invited the Rune God with a smile, "Would you like to visit my factory? I just built it."

The Rune God was certainly interested in that. The Void Mask had always been mysterious, but he had never done something blindly. Since he had introduced the factory so proudly, there must be something special about it.

Thus, they went to the newly built factory and looked around carefully.

"It's wonderful!" The Rune God had been a master of mining, smelting and forging before he became a god, so he found the advantages of the factory at once. "Though these means, the best iron ore can be selected. Then when it comes to iron making, the quality of the steel will be very good!"