Chapter 91

Although believers liked to sing praises to the gods and considered them omnipotent, in fact, gods were not omnipotent at all. For example, almost every god in the world could trace the past, but only a few gods could see the future.

The future was confusing as if it were covered with thick fog, so it was difficult to see. It was easier when the gods were out of the way. When they were in the way, they couldn't see the future no matter how powerful they were.

The Queen of Water Elements was almost the most powerful existence among the great Divine Powers. She was also the oldest god in the world today. She might even be the oldest existence in this world. However, even she couldn't see what her future would be like.

If she had the so-called "eyes that could see into the future," she wouldn't have needed to design a big swirl that could shield the greater Divine Powers. She only dared to talk about those secrets with Sui Xiong.