Chapter 109

Sui Xiong's preparations did lead to a very good effect.

When the guillotine was built, the audience gathered. The first criminal he arrested made them surprised, and some people even fainted.

That one… That person is...

"Are my eyes deceiving me?"

"How is that possible!"

The audience under the guillotine were talking about it. Those civilians could only see the clues from the gorgeous costume. However, the aristocrats, especially the older aristocrats and the legendary masters, were all stunned at the moment.

This person was the previous Emperor of the Orcs. He had retired due to his old age and weak body. He was now the Grand Elder who lived in the Divine Temple.

He was a demigod.

However, people were still not sure. After all, this was too strange. Sui Xiong quickly dispelled their doubts. He began to declare the identity and the accusation of this person.