Chapter 114

Looking at the remainder of the list, Sui Xiong couldn't help feeling a little vexed.

He'd never thought such a situation as there being too many damn people to kill was even possible.

But that was exactly what had happened—that was what he was facing right now.

Unless he turned around and tried going through the Orc Empire north-to-south this time, those remaining twenty-thousand people would have to be killed right here, wouldn't they?

After running some basic math, he decided to give up on this idea.

The guillotine could execute ten people at a time. As they needed to announce each person's crimes, the executions couldn't go very quickly, taking about ten minutes a batch at most. In reality, though, he usually took about twenty minutes to kill each batch. If this were on Earth, this would be akin to treating human lives like weeds. A certain Mister Sui would have been a peerless evil comparable to a certain mustached German.