Chapter 136

The God's Kingdom of the Master of Mystery was named the "Seven Colors Spring," and it was located in the "Country of Rainbow" at the front of the Ring of the World.

The Country of Rainbow was not exactly a country. In fact, it was an extremely vast field with a surface area that was much bigger than its Main Plane. This field was filled with springs and basked in sun rays. It was also home to countless beautiful colored living creatures.

Right in the middle of this field was where the "Seven Colors Spring" could be found.

This God's Kingdom was unlike the others—it did not stay on the ground. It was suspended up in the air instead. It was like a colorful ball of light that was suspended over the gigantic spring right in the middle of the Country of Rainbow. There were strands of Divine Power falling from it that, when mixed with the spring water and then placed under and amidst the sun rays, would transform into an enormous rainbow.