Chapter 2

There were reasons for Sui Xiong's visit to Keane Hill. Wanting to revisit the place was one of the reasons, but the main reason was to help them resolve their troubles.

In recent months, Baron Keane had met with an extremely difficult problem. This problem was way beyond what they could handle—or rather, it was way beyond what they could resolve at a relatively low cost, so they called for help from the Church of the Void Mask.

It was said that sending a team of elite clergymen, coupled with the help of one to two Legendary Masters who would help keep the situation well under control, should be enough to solve this problem. However, after a long period of quietness, Sui Xiong was struck by a sudden inspiration and wanted to return to this territorial land that he had once poured in countless efforts to establish. So without telling anyone, he secretly transformed into his earthly appearance and came here.