Vol V Chapter 37

The battle with the King of Wild Boars was not the most dangerous one that winter. The most dangerous one was that battle where they crusaded the ogres' camp.

There was a tribe of ogres in Dahl Hill who lived by the edge of the marshes in the mountains. In the past, Baron Dahl had never thought of waging a crusade against them. First, though the ogres were named as such, they did not take humans as a staple food. They did nothing more than occasionally go down the mountains to catch one or two humans to make a little improvement to their meals, and those they caught were normally farmers and the likes of them. To Dahl Hill, these people were honestly too insignificant. Second, those ogres were extremely powerful. Their camp was also situated in a very dangerous location, so he was not very certain.

Just how strong were these ogres in particular? He was not sure, but he was sure that there was a Shaman among them.