Vol V Chapter 63

Women's hearts were rather peculiar, and those of goddesses are of no exception.

Previously, the stubborn Goddess of Love had refused to change her stance no matter what. However, upon witnessing her undying love and devotion towards Leon, she subconsciously changed her mind.

She looked up and yelled, "I've decided to meet the Void Mask to talk!"

The Hyacinth Goddess, Clover Goddess and Rose Goddess were all shocked. They glanced at her skeptically, all unable to believe that she had suddenly changed her mind.

Afterward, they immediately contacted the Goddess of Joy and the Goddess of Fortune. Only these two goddesses had fighting powers amongst them five.

The Goddess of Love acted like she hadn't seen everyone's apprehension and immediately transformed into a fireball, flying out of the Flame of Passion. She then twirled once in the air and changed into a form similar to the size of Sui Xiong.