Vol V Chapter 84

Hopes carried his suitcase to the accommodation arranged for him by the mining department. This was a four-man room, and one of his roommates had already arrived and was reading a book on his bed.

Looking at his roommate's soft and silky hair as well as his pointy ears, Hopes could tell that he was of elvish descent. He was probably from a long line of elves too as he could sense the natural magic revolving around his roommate.

As a quasi-caster in the direction of the druid, Hopes could demonstrate a few tricks of natural magic but could not carry out high-level ones. He could sense that his roommate was definitely stronger than he was and was either a natural wizard or druid of a certain class, at least middle class in fact.

What was a mid-class druid doing here as a miner? Hopes was confused but felt too awkward to ask, and thus, he simply greeted him politely.