Vol V Chapter 98

"The merchant party and aristocratic party are going to battle?" Clito asked. He was baffled. "Haven't they already divided the sphere of influence? That's the equivalent of a separation. Why are they still going to fight?"

The intelligence officer responsible for the arraignment was clearly well aware of the entire matter. Right away, he replied, "According to the merchant party, the aristocratic party sent their troops to attack the trade caravans in the guise of pirates. So the merchant party confronted the aristocratic party and requested that they hand over the culprits. Not only did the aristocratic party refuse to hand over the assassins, but they also turned about and falsely accused the merchant party, saying that the other party had been harassing them on the border during this period. They got so angry that they started a fight."

"Then what did the aristocratic party have to say?" Clito asked again.